
All residents and young fellows employed in the Swiss neurosurgical training program are eligible to become SYNS Members from the 1st day of their 3rd year of training

The SYNS Members (the former "Young Members" of the Swiss Society of Neurosurgery, SSNC) have the right to vote at the SSNC General Assembly like the ordinary members.

Sign up for SYNS

SYNS member

As a SYNS member, anyone who is an assistant in training to become a neurosurgery specialist at a recognized Swiss neurosurgical clinic, with a secured training position, can be admitted as soon as he or she has completed the second year of training. The person responsible for training at this training institution must sign the application. SYNS membership is automatically converted into regular membership upon obtaining the neurosurgical specialist title, at the latest at the beginning of a new fiscal year. SYNS membership is automatically terminated upon discontinuation of neurosurgical training. SYNS members have the same voting and election rights as regular members.

Registration for mailing list

In case you are a Resident not yet in the 3rd year of training or you are not working in Switzerland, but you are interested in participating in the SYNS activities and courses, don't worry! Every SYNS meeting or course is open!

Please fill the form below and you will be inserted in our mailing list, to remain updated with every new SYNS course and activity.