General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) of the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society (SYNS)

The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all deliveries, quotations and services provided by the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society. Verbal agreements have no legal effect. These terms and conditions take precedence over any terms and conditions set out in purchase contracts and purchase orders.

Changes to prices listed and the range shown in the online shop

The Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society offers a variety of products and services through its online shop, which–depending on the type of product or service–are either accessible online or are shipped within Switzerland and internationally for an appropriate fee.

These products and services include, but are not limited to:

  • Publication of an advanced training event through the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society's website;
  • Publication of job advertisements on the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society's website; and
  • Promotional material such as flyers and brochures.

The Society reserves the right to adjust its range of products and services at any time.

All the prices are listed in CHF (Swiss francs) inclusive of VAT. The Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society reserves the right to change its prices. All quotations are non-binding. Typographical errors online and incorrect information are excepted.

The prices listed in the online shop are binding and exclude packaging and shipping fees. The customer shall bear the costs of packaging and shipping.

Payment options in the online shop

You can pay on account within 30 days net, online using VISA/MasterCard or Postcard credit cards and through TWINT. Your credit card details/PostFinance Card details/TWINT details are transferred in SSL-encrypted form using a corresponding payment tool to Datatrans AG, which provides the technology needed for our online payment services. Each transaction is authorised online with the competent credit card company/PostFinance/TWINT after processing by Datatrans AG. We do not store your credit card number, but we may be able to see your name, credit card number, the content of your order, the order amount and other related information through Datatrans AG as needed.

Personal data that you disclose in connection with orders placed through the online shop shall be used exclusively for the purposes of fulfilling the orders you place and of safeguarding our rights in connection with the products and services provided. Please refer to the ‘Privacy’ section below for more information about how your personal data is used.

In addition to the products and services offered in the online shop, you can also pay for your membership of the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society using the online payment tool. The Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society’s membership fees are not subject to value-added tax. Membership of the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society is not subject to these General Terms and Conditions, only payment of the membership fees made using the payment tool.

All payments shall be made in CHF to the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society itself or to its designated payment authority. Payments shall only be deemed to have been made if the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society can freely dispose of the same.

In the event of failure to comply with the payment terms, the customer shall enter into default without further notice or reminder from the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society and shall pay interest on arrears at a rate of 5% above the Swiss National Bank’s discount rate.

The customer may only offset their claims against these ones if such claims are directed against the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society itself, are undisputed, are acknowledged or have been legally established and if the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society agrees to such offsetting.

In the case of new orders (follow-up orders), the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society is not bound by the prices of previous orders. The prices currently published in the online shop apply.

Delivery from the online shop and transporting physical products

Products are delivered within Switzerland, and internationally by arrangement. The postage and packaging costs for the delivery are calculated based on the shipping method. The delivery period is ten days, if the product(s) is/are in stock. The delivery period begins following receipt of all the information required for execution of the order from the customer and, if agreed, the deposit or full advance payment. If a deposit/advance payment has to be made, the stated delivery periods shall only apply from such time that the deposit/advance payment is received.

You will be informed of items that are currently unavailable.

Deliveries to minors shall only be made against advance payment. The goods remain the property of the Swiss Neurological Society until payment has been made in full.

The Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society’s stated delivery times are non-binding unless the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society has said in writing that they are binding.

The Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society is entitled to make partial or advance deliveries. Each partial delivery may be invoiced separately. Change requests submitted by the customer and unforeseeable, unavoidable events that are outside the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society’s sphere of influence – e.g. force majeure, strikes and lockouts, disruptions to operation, difficulties in procuring materials and energy, transport delays, energy and raw material shortages, official measures and difficulties in obtaining permits, particularly import and export licences – shall extend the delivery period as appropriate. This shall also apply if the obstacles occur with an upstream supplier. We reserve the right to perform correct and timely delivery ourselves. If the disruption is not merely temporary in nature, both Parties shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract. Claims for damages are excluded for both Parties in this case.

Place of performance

The place of performance for the delivery is the domicile of the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society.

Transfer of benefit and risk

The benefit and risk shall be transferred on handover to the customer or a transport company at the place of performance.

If dispatch is delayed due to circumstances attributable to the customer, the risk shall pass to the customer on notification of readiness for dispatch.

Delivery of online products or services from the online shop

Delivery will take place straight after an online payment has been processed or following receipt of a payment with a payment slip. The customer receives the ordered product or service by email or receives electronic, personalised access to the ordered product or service.

In all other respects, please refer to the ‘Delivery from the online shop and transporting physical products’ and ‘Transfer of benefit and risk’ sections above.


Defects, differences in quantity and incorrect deliveries must be reported to the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society in writing without delay – but no later than five days after receipt of the goods – and immediately after discovery in the case of concealed defects. Warranty claims are forfeited if defects are reported late. All warranty claims shall lapse two years after the benefit and risk is transferred to the customer.


The Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society shall not be liable for its own actions and omissions in the event of slight negligence.

The Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society shall not be liable for actions or omissions that are attributable to auxiliary persons. Compulsory statutory liability provisions remain reserved.


The operators of this website take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Customer data collected when an order is placed shall not be disclosed to other companies. Customer data remains the property of the Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society and is treated as confidential. We treat your personal data as confidential and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and our privacy policy.

Severability clause

Should individual provisions or parts of these General Terms and Conditions prove to be null and void or invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the rest of the General Terms and Conditions.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

The provisions set out in Swiss law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all claims in connection with your order is Basel, Switzerland.

Basel, June 2024